

MT80 GPE + MVC + VC 450+SD

Compact tempering and dosing line

If you produce solid chocolate bars, tablets and/or caraques, this compact tempering and dosing line is what you need. It's a relatively small line in terms of size but allows big production runs. The result? More production and greater efficiency.

The machine line comprises:

  • MT80 GPE or GPI: mini-tempering and dosing machine with external (GPE) or internal (GPI) dosing pump
  • MVC: mould conveyor for polycarbonate moulds
  • VC 450+SD: trembling belt with vibrating system

The compact tempering and dosing line



  • is equipped with an electrically heated 80 kg chocolate container
  • tempers and doses very precisely and continuously
  • infeed and outfeed of polycarbonate moulds
  • trembles your moulds
  • is easy to operate using the colour touchscreen
  • is made of AISI 304 stainless steel
  • is built with standard components
  • meets the applicable CE standards
